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Friday, April 22, 2011


Rotations! Rotations! Rotations!

Yes, we finally got our rotation placements on Friday! I got 2 out of my 3 choices, so I am ecstatic. The day was filled with anticipation, people posting on Facebook how many minutes left until rotations were revealed.  Each student is given the option of making a preference list of 3 sites each in different specialties. We were told that our teachers would do their best to honor at least one of the three. There are 7 rotations total: Family Medicine, Internal Medicine, General Surgery, Pediatrics, Ob-GYN, Emergency Medicine, and Geriatrics/Behavioral Psych.  Each rotation is 6 weeks with the exception of Geriatrics/Behavioral Psych which is split 1 ½ weeks in geriatrics at PCOM and 4 ½ weeks in Behavioral Psych.  From taking a quick look around the room it seemed like my classmates were all happy with their rotation placements. I even saw some students hugging our teachers.
            My rotations are actually pretty local which is nice, I have two a bit further away but they are in areas I have never been so I am excited to see areas of the US that are unknown to me.  Overall, I am just excited to get out there, albeit nervous, but excited! Everything seems more real now, I can’t wait until August!

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